1. What can TuneSolo Deezer Music Converter do?
TuneSolo Deezer Music Converter is a sophisticated music downloader designed to facilitate the downloading of singles, albums, playlists, and podcasts to a variety of audio formats such as MP3, AAC, WAV, FLAC, AIFF, or ALAC.
2. Do I need to have Deezer Premium subscription?
No, you don't need to have any kind of Deezer Premium subscription. TuneSolo Deezer Music Converter works with both Deezer Free and Deezer Premium accounts.
3。 是 TuneSolo Deezer Music Converter free to use?
TuneSolo Deezer Music Converter offers both a free trial version and a paid full version. The free trial allows you to convert a limited number of tracks, while the full version offers unlimited conversions and additional features.
4。 是 TuneSolo Deezer Music Converter legal to use?
TuneSolo Deezer Music Converter is intended for personal use only, complying with copyright laws. Users are responsible for ensuring that they use the software according to their local copyright regulations.
5。 將 TuneSolo Deezer Music Converter maintain the original metadata?
絕對! TuneSolo Deezer Music Converter ensures that the original metadata, including song title, artist, album, and cover art, are preserved in the converted files, making them well-organized in your music library.
6. Can I convert playlists using TuneSolo Deezer Music Converter?
是的, TuneSolo Deezer Music Converter supports batch conversion, enabling you to convert multiple Deezer Music songs or playlists simultaneously, saving you time and effort.
7.有 TuneSolo Deezer Music Converter preserve the original audio quality?
絕對! TuneSolo Deezer Music Converter adopts advanced technology to ensure that the converted files retain the original audio quality, providing an excellent listening experience. TuneSolo allows you to customize the output settings, such as audio quality, bitrate, sample rate, and more, giving you full control over the converted music files.
8. 可以用嗎 TuneSolo Deezer Music Converter on both Windows and Mac systems?
是的, TuneSolo Deezer Music Converter is compatible with both Windows and Mac. However, we only offer individual licenses for using the app on one single device. You can only activate your license on one computer. For instance, if you have purchased a Windows activation code, then it can only be used on Windows PC and vice versa.
9.有 TuneSolo require an internet connection to download and convert music?
是的, TuneSolo Deezer Music Converter needs an internet connection to access your Deezer Music account and fetch the music for conversion. However, once converted, the files can be played offline without an internet connection.
10. How do I update TuneSolo Deezer Music Converter?
當您開啟程式時,會自動彈出一個新的更新視窗。您可以選擇立即更新、跳過版本或下次再次提示。您也可以在功能表列中找到“檢查更新”選項 TuneSolo 程式.按一下以檢測新版本。如果應用程式顯示升級失敗,您可以直接進入我們的官網找到對應的程式並直接下載最新版本。
11. What if I have other technical issues with TuneSolo 應用程序嗎?
如果您遇到技術問題 TuneSolo software, contact the customer support team ([email protected])並詳細描述您遇到的問題。我們將幫助您排除故障並解決您可能遇到的任何問題。我們將在平日24小時內回覆您的留言,週末48小時內回覆您的留言
1. 如何註冊 TuneSolo 亞馬遜音樂轉換器?
您需要有效的電子郵件地址和許可證金鑰才能註冊該計劃。您將收到一封來自 TuneSolo 購買License成功後正式發布。然後您可以按照步驟註冊該應用程式。Check Full Registration Guide >>>
2. Why can't I receive the license key?
After ordering the app, the license key will be sent to you by email within 30 minutes. If you have not received the license key in 24 hours, please contact the support team ([email protected]) to get help.
If you fail to receive an email with the license key attached, first and foremost, please check your SPAM folder in your mailbox. If you still fail to find the email from TuneSolo, consider if you left the wrong email address when you placed your order. In such a situation, please contact us.
3. Can I use my license on two or more computers?
所有訂閱計劃 TuneSolo 僅支援單一帳戶,因此只能啟動和使用 TuneSolo的軟體在一台電腦上。如果您更新電腦作業系統或更換電腦(但作業系統相同)後無法登入應用程序,您可以聯絡支援團隊([email protected])並提供您的有效訂單信息,他們將幫助您將許可證轉移到新設備。
4. What if the license code doesn't work?
- Make sure the device system you purchased the license for is the same as the one you installed it on, as Windows and Mac versions do not share the license key.
- The license key you entered is case-sensitive. Additionally, please refrain from adding any spaces before or after the key. You may also copy and paste the email and key into the activation window.
- Each license is limited to one computer only. Any attempt to use the license key on more than one computer will result in an invalid status.
- If you encounter any error messages, please contact our support team via [email protected] 為進一步的幫助。
1. What's your refund policy?
TuneSolo commits to a 100% money-back guarantee for TuneSolo Spotify Music Converter for all plans. Before requesting a refund, make sure you meet all standards or you probably fail to get a refund. For more details, please visit our 退貨與退款.
2. 如何取消訂閱?
3. 如果我購買了錯誤的應用程式怎麼辦?
在這種情況下,您可以聯絡我們的支援團隊([email protected]) to change your order. Or you can directly go ahead to purchase the correct product and then contact us to refund the wrong order for you.